Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Rule of '1' Best Time Management to Travel

My name is Adriana Da Silva, I am a Travel Advisor in Longwood, Florida.  I write travel reviews to help my clients plan the best vacation getaways and vacation packages.  I focus on Popular Resorts, Cruise Companies and Tropical Places that remain the top adult picks for the money. 

The Rule of '1':

The greatest mistake a travel planner makes happens before their hotel reservations, visiting Booking Websites, or Online Booking flights.  The old adage 'we should never grocery shop while hungry,' also applies to travel and our plans for vacation.

Inexperienced travelers tend to either under or over estimate the time needed in their trip planning. This results in either feeling rushed or bored having run out of things to see and do too early.

While there are exceptions to every rule,  with over 30years of extensive travel, I have developed a rule to planning my holiday time that has worked so well, I considered it to be almost a 'time management law to travel.'

The rule of '1' works like this:  

When considering my itinerary for a trip and how long I will need at my final destination, I consider how long a one way commute to the final destination will take in hours and then multiply that round number by days as my approximate duration.   1 Way- 1 Hour - 1 Day! 

What is wonderful about this Travel Tip is that it works no matter how you travel; car, high speed train, or plane, and I can even apply it to plan my road trip!

Here is an example  

Let's say I want to visit Brazil, and I live in Orlando, Florida.  
I find out that a one way flight to Brazil will take 8 hours.  

The Rule in Action:

My rule says that I should stay 1 day for every one hour of commute in the one way trip.  
This means I should consider staying in Brazil no less than 8 days.  

1 Way to Brazil = 8 Hours = 8 Days minimum!

Anyone who has ever traveled to Brazil from Orlando would definitely agree that 8 days would be the very minimum to visit this country after an 8 hour flight!

If you also follow the first two travel tips I have provided, of 'knowing yourself' (see previous article) and 'knowing where you are going' (see full article) you will be on your way to a Dream Vacation!

Are you interested in my other stories?
 See (Cruise Lines)  (Tropical Places)  (Resorts)  or  (All Three)

Adriana Da Silva Travel Advisor Longwood Florida

Ready to book or have a question ?
Call or Text  (407) 432-0673 
Visit: adasilva.dreamvacations   email:
Full Service | Travel Agent  | Longwood, Fl.

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