Thursday, August 15, 2024

10 Tips to Sustainable Tourism


Sustainable eco friendly symbol

Sustainable Tourism is everyone's responsibility

You do not have to visit the Amazon Rain Forest to support Sustainable Tourism, or 'Green Tourism.'  There are simple sustainable practices everyone can do while traveling to help protect our oceans and environmentally sensitive destinations everywhere.

#1 Travel Light  

Heavy luggage requires more jet fuel, petro, oil, and electricity consumption to transport in every step of our travels.  Even one pound less per traveler counts and even keeps tourism affordable!

#2 Lights Out!

Save electricity, remember to turn the lights off inside your hotel & cruise cabins when not in use

#3 Go Warm

While away, leave the thermostat up a little higher inside your hotel or cruise cabin. Raising the temperate only a few degrees while away will drastically reduce energy consumption

#4 Do Not Disturb 

Leave the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on your hotel / cabin door while away.  And try to reduce the need for room service cleaning to the minimum.  This will avoid wasteful replacement of linens and sheets

#5 Reduce Towels  

Towel cleaning is responsible for most of the harmful usage of detergents and bleach in tourism.  Including around the pool areas, use only the number of towels you need, and follow directions of placing dirty towels in designated locations

#6 Avoid Single Use Plastics  

Bringing your own refillable water bottles, will save you time, money and countless footsteps searching for beverages onboard cruise ships, large hotel properties and while on excursions

 #7 Reusable bags 

We all love souvenirs, but those little plastic bags use oil, and eventually go directly into landfills.  Bring a reusable bag that can double to tote your camera, water bottle, and towels.  When making the purchase of those perfect souvenirs, just say 'No' to the plastic bag, and place your gift into your reusable bag

#8 Use Reef Safe Sunblock

Reef Safe Sunblock is made from ingredients safe to our ocean's most sensitive reefs, and can be worn while enjoying any natural body of water in the world.  In some locations, swimmers will be permitted to choose between reef safe sunblock or no sunblock at all! (See previous article)

#9 Use Eco-Friendly Insect Repellent 

Most insect repellents contain ingredients that are harmful to our environment, and sensitive ecotourism destinations like the rainforests of Costa Rica.  Choose eco-friendly products (See previous article)

#10 Reduce left over Food & Beverage 

We all like to enjoy food while on holiday, and some people travel only for different culinary experiences.  Over indulgence of food and beverage can not only make us feel bad, but leaving food and beverage to waste, strains natural resources and increases chemical usage in the food industry.  Follow the old saying of;  'Take what you want, but eat what you take.'  This expression will help you keep feeling healthy during your holiday, and reduce usage of harmful chemicals and water

Final Thoughts:

Tourists are one of the greatest compliments any city can receive.  As a tourist, including nature tourism,  we have a responsibility in being respectful to our host and their natural precious resources they share with us.  If we all make environmentally responsible decisions in our travels, such as recycling, or reduce unnecessary consumption, we will not only preserve our earth, but even save money and keep travel affordable for everyone.

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 'Sustainable Tourism is Everyone's Responsibility '

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