Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Super Inexpensive & Eco-Friendly Cruise Line

MSC Seashore
(MSC Seashore)

An Inexpensive Cruises does not have to mean Cheap!

30 years ago the 'Fun Ship,'  Carnival Cruise was the low cost cruise company to most families and first time cruise goers.  Today, MSC Cruise Ships is dominating this space thru a strategy of scale.  Like Royal Caribbean, MSC is using Mega Ships like their  MSC Seaside and Seashore to pack in thousands of passengers at inexpensive rates in hopes of stealing business away from competitors like Disney.  But, inexpensive does not have to mean 'cheap,' or cutting corners, and when it comes to protecting our environment, MSC is doing their part.


Is MSC right for you?

MSC is in the same 'Contemporary' class of cruise companies as Carnival and Royal Caribbean but you will find MSC prices to be even more competitive.  With their mega-ships each offering dozens of pools, bars and restaurants, they are clearly casting their net wide for everyone's business, but if you are interested in environmentally sustainable tourism, then MSC is right for you and their Seaside and Seashore ships are engineering marvels you must experience!

Water parks aboard the MSC SeashoreChildrens themes aboard the MSC Seashore
(Everything for all ages aboard the MSC Seashore)

Eco-Friendly Facts about MSC!

  • MSC is on target of reaching it's net-zero decarbonization by 2050, and as of 2008 had already reduced it's carbon footprint by 40%
  • The Seaside and Seashore each pump more than 250,000 gallons of water daily from the oceans, that is then filtered and purified and used to fill their more than 400 pools and hot tubs each
  • Over 10 tons of refuse such as plastic bottles, paper and other solid waste is produced daily on each of the Seaside and Seashore mega-ships.  This refuse is hand sorted by an army of workers, and over 80% is then recycled!
  • Each of these mega ships produces over 1,500 tons of left over food daily from their more than 5000 passengers each.  The mega ships use automation, to grind the left over food into puree which is then safely discharged into the oceans as 'fish food.'
  • More than 30 tons of human waste is produced aboard each of the MSC epic sized ships.  This waste is moved thru super engineered high pressure systems that separates the solids from the fluids.  The fluids are then further treated to saving more than 2000 tons each of almost drinking quality water that are then used to cool the massive 80,000 horse power engines.  The rest is safely discharged into the seas
  • Ship hulls are specially designed with non-toxic surfaces to help improve fuel efficiency, and special under water radiated noise management systems are designed to minimize acoustic sound impact on marine life
Shopping plaza aboard the MSC Seashore Pool deck for adults aboard MSC Seashore

(Above Left: Shopping Plaza, Right: Adult Pool Deck, MSC Seashore)

   Grand Atrium of MSC Seashore Interior Atrium of MSC Seashore
(Above Left: Central Park, Right: Grand Atrium, MSC Seashore)

Final Thoughts:

While MSC is not the first, nor the only Cruise company to take responsible steps toward Environmentally Sustainable tourism, MSC is certainly one of the fun, affordable cruise lines that everyone, especially environmentally conscientious travelers can enjoy guilt free holidays aboard.  If you would like to know more about either MSC Cruises Environmental actions, or the Cruise Industries Environmental stewardship, please see (MSC Cruises Environmental Commitment) or the (Cruise Lines International Association) in which I subscribe to.

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Adriana Da Silva MSC Seashore

Full Service | Travel Agent  | Longwood, Fl
 'Sustainable Tourism is Everyone's Responsibility '

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