In this Virgin Voyages review, i'll point out while Virgin Voyages Cruises may be considered 'luxury,' stylistically, this adults only cruise line is in a class all its own.
Is Virgin Voyages right for you?
In this Virgin Voyages review, i'll point out while Virgin Voyages Cruises may be considered 'luxury,' stylistically, this adults only cruise line is in a class all its own.
Is Virgin Voyages right for you?
The beauty to sailing with Virgin is you will receive the amazing value the industry is known for, while also the creative 'Voyages Sailor' experience which draws a definitive line in the proverbial 'beach sand.' Virgin Voyages is 100% absolutely worth it for the ideal 'Sailor.' - Voyages is within the Luxury class, so an ideal 'Sailor,' will not be too price sensitive but will receive the quality in service, food and entertainment they expect
- Voyages is an 'Adults Only Cruise,' which means you may experience some coarse language, adult content during some of it's entertainment there will be as little or as much alcohol as you like, however you will not find obscenity, inappropriateness or excessiveness anywhere in public spaces. Voyages are tastefully executed experiences for a mature persons
- Third, Voyages heavily leverages technology, and their Sailor Services will be available to answer your every question
The beauty to sailing with Virgin is you will receive the amazing value the industry is known for, while also the creative 'Voyages Sailor' experience which draws a definitive line in the proverbial 'beach sand.' Virgin Voyages is 100% absolutely worth it for the ideal 'Sailor.'
- Voyages is within the Luxury class, so an ideal 'Sailor,' will not be too price sensitive but will receive the quality in service, food and entertainment they expect
- Voyages is an 'Adults Only Cruise,' which means you may experience some coarse language, adult content during some of it's entertainment there will be as little or as much alcohol as you like, however you will not find obscenity, inappropriateness or excessiveness anywhere in public spaces. Voyages are tastefully executed experiences for a mature persons
- Third, Voyages heavily leverages technology, and their Sailor Services will be available to answer your every question
Are the public spaces of Virgin Cruise Ships nice?
- The Voyages ships are very new. Scarlet Lady is the oldest in the fleet and is only 2 years old as of this writing. This means, that the Virgin ships have the smartest deck planning, latest technology and processes in place
- All of this works together to create the most efficient onboard experience to their passengers. Beginning with the deck space, each deck has been carefully planned to maximize human traffic flow. This is very important in a cruise, as time is often wasted walking between decks, restaurants, pools, bars and entertainment
- Another departure from the industry norm Virgin made was in minimizing it's grand atrium space. While Grand Atriums offer beautiful vistas from the center of most ships, they remove valuable space, and create additional walking for passengers. Virgin has reduced the classic atrium to only one deck at midship, hence maximizing flow but retaining that Classic Spiral staircase for photo ops
Virgin Voyages Valiant Lady: Grand Atrium
- Next, with having removed the buffet space from it's deck design, loads of additional public lounging areas, including the galley have been created. This is invaluable during those 'full days at sea' when sailors are looking to either read or enjoy quiet conversation
- Even during peak meal times, and at full ship capacity, the spacious decking quickly affords you a seat. Continuing with getting around the ship, smaller but much faster and more numerous elevators have been smartly located at the front, mid and back of the ship, making vertical commute much faster
- The latest technology is leveraged throughout the 'Sailors' experience to maximize enjoyment and ease, including inside these elevators
Virgin Voyages: Public Spaces aboard the Valiant Lady
Is Virgin Voyages Entertainment & Dining Good?
- The short answer is absolutely YES ! Virgin made a courageous step by removing the industry famous 'food buffet' from it's galleys. In place of the 'buffet style' eating spaces, Virgin created numerous eateries, and restaurants smartly located throughout their ships
- As a 'Sailor' moves thru ship decks, to restaurants and bars she may encounter a few suggestive names such as an ice cream shop called 'Lick Me Till Ice Cream,' a reminder that this is for adults only. As night falls, the beautiful ships turn on their running lights which glow red, and the crew prepare the ships for unique entertaining such as 'Scarlet Night,' and a 'Pajama Party.'
- If seen from outside, with their thousands of little red lights glowing amid cabin windows and music filling the Caribbean air, other cruise ships passing in the night can't help but feel a little left out.
Virgin Voyages: 'Gunbae' Korean Barbeque Restaurant
Is Virgin Voyages Service Good?
In addition to many aspects already mentioned,Voyages differentiates themselves from the rest of the industry and even Luxury Class peers with pricing and promise. Voyages pricing is 'All-Inclusive,' even gratuities. Typical cruise lines will charge separately for their cabins, then premium restaurants, then soft drinks, gratuities and will relentlessly push beverage package sales.
- With Voyages, everything, with some limited exception, is included (beverage packages are available but never pushed), and Virgin promises that you will never be asked for a gratuity. Virgin stands behind this promise to the extent that they will ask in a post-cruise survey if anyone had asked you for a tip. So, how is this related to onboard service?
- First, this translates to a very transparent pricing system of getting exactly what you pay for. Second, you will not be incessantly bothered to purchase a drink or a beverage package while seated in the public spaces of Virgin Voyages. Instead, being within the 'Luxury Class,' you can expect the crew, like a consummate butler, to quietly remove any empty glasses from your lounging area without the slightest interruption to your conversation
- Well before boarding the ships and while still at the terminal, Voyages will equip each sailor with a waterproof wrist band. The wristband acts as a form of ID, Credit Card, and cabin door key. This frees sailors from the burdens of carrying around and protecting those valuables during their life onboard. Anywhere the sailor goes onboard the wristband can be used to make purchases, and no need to worry about sharing that key card for someone to go back to the cabin for a forgotten book. Their wristband will open the door! The technology does not start and stop there however
Virgin Voyages: Onboard Wrist Band
Do people like Virgin Voyages Excursions?
- Yes, while the ports of call and excursions are superb such as the Ancient Ruins of Costa Maya, Mexico, exotic Islands of Roatan, Honduras and Virgin's own private beach club in Bimini, Bahama, the typical 'Sailor' aboard Voyages tends to have as many as 6 prior cruises under her belt and some are hyper-cruisers taking as many as 16 or more cruises per year !
- This means that the average 'Sailor' aboard Voyages knows exactly how a cruise works, and books everything well in advanced. While the Voyages destinations are gorgeous, these 'Sailors' with their experience, tend to be more concerned with the 'Cruise' itself and are seeking a departure from convention and reality thru the unique Voyages experience.
Virgin Voyages Private Beach Club: Bimini Bahama
Is Virgin Voyages different from other cruise lines?
Beginning with it's focus on 'Adults Only,' Virgin has made it clear that it is not interested being all things to all people. Virgin is laser focused on it's target audience which can best be described as either an experienced cruiser, or tech 'comfy' or even 'hyper-planners.'
- Virgin Voyages steps outside of the mold, sometimes boldly, and at other times subtle. Starting with it's ship names and icons painted on the sides of it's fleet; Scarlet Lady, Valiant Lady, Resilient Lady and Brilliant Lady, Virgin is making it clear that they are different.
- Virgin uses a very easy phone App to allow their sailors to book restaurants, shows, and excursions well in advanced of your sail date, and Virgin will continue pushing alerts via the app throughout your cruise, keeping you apprised of any important information such as show cancelations, or gangway locations and 'all aboard times.'
Technology continues throughout the ships including within the smart elevators to inform sailors of vital disembarking information via built in flat screen monitors that double as art. Once you've finally made it into your cabin, you're television will greet you with a message turning your attention to yet another piece of technology that will control your entire cabin. Sailor cabins are equipped with a 'Tablet' technology which will very easily control your cabin lightening, air conditioning, television, and even open and close your cabin curtains.
Another, small but very important difference from other cruise lines will be found within your Television movie selections. Many cruise lines discourage their passengers from lengthy stay inside their cabins, and may intentionally minimize movie selection from within them, forcing passengers out and into the public spaces where beverages are then sold at a premium. Virgin Voyages, however, offers a wide selection of quality new and classic movies to choose from. So, once again, a subtle but very important difference is felt in the public spacing of the Voyages and this is connected to Voyages pricing and their promise.
Final Thoughts:
If you are comfortable with the 'adults only' description but are either new to cruising, or completely uncomfortable with technology and feel you may require more hand holding, consider the fun of cruising Voyages with a friend who can help, but don't worry Voyages Sailor Services will be there for everyone who needs a little help getting things done.
The absolute best experience always start with knowing yourself, and having the right expectations. Virgin does make things simple and has made the courageous move of televising it's crew and itineraries, so if you would like a greater glimpse into what to expect from the Voyages experience, you can watch the cruise ship documentary 'The Cruise,' on Amazon Prime Video
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